Rodeo Houston Officially Starts Today

Rodeo Houston officially starts today! Rodeo Houston runs just under 3 weeks, ending on March 20th, which just so happens to be the first day of spring.
I have lots of fond memories of the rodeo growing up. My mom would let me skip school to go watch the horse shows if I wasn’t participating when I was younger…shhh…don’t tell anyone.
Through the years we have competed in a myriad of contests during the rodeo. Quarter horse shows, paint horse shows, calf scramble, junior breeding heifers, open Brahman and Beefmaster cattle. In addition, open boer goat, youth boer goats and more.
It has been a few years since we have competed, but hopefully we will be back at it in the next few years.  If you get a chance, and you have never gone, take a day and go visit the rodeo.
The livestock show is always my favorite.  You can walk through the barns and look at all the beautiful animals from all over the country that people bring to exhibit.  Just please do not touch someone’s animal without permission and NEVER FEED one either.
In conclusion, visit Arcola Feed for all your livestock needs! Since Rodeo Houston Officially Starts Today, enjoy these past photos:
Rodeo Houston officially starts today

Alex and Squishy

Rodeo Houston officially starts today: alex at Rodeo Houston
