San Jacinto Day

San Jacinto Day, photo of San Jacinto memorial siteSan Jacinto Day: Today we celebrate an important date to not only all Texans, but specifically those of us in the Houston area. Today is San Jacinto Day. It is the celebration of the Battle of San Jacinto – fought April 21st, 1836. 

The Battle was fought in La Porte and Pasadena. It serves as the final battle of the revolution. During this battle, Sam Houston and Santa Anna went head to head. Their battle lasted only 18 minutes. As a result, it allowed Texas to declare its independence from Mexico. 

The day’s festivities are celebrated each year at San Jacinto State Park. There are re-enactments and so much more to see that helps commemorate the day. The San Jacinto Celebration will be held tomorrow, April 22nd, from 10AM – 5PM. This is an amazing event that will allow attendees of all ages to interact with reenact-ors by watching them cook food, check weapons and even engage in daily activities. 

The best things about the event is that it is free. Feel free to swing by during the day to learn more about Texas history and how our great state came to be. 

In conclusion, if you have any questions about don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Arcola Feed. We are open Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Visit us at 6215 FM 521 Arcola, Texas 77583 or contact us 281-431-1014.