Spring Planting

Spring Planting - milkweed for monarch butterfliesSpring planting is in FULL SWING! #Howdoesyourgardengrow Fruit is on the vine and the trees, too! Now that the chance of a late frost is (hopefully) gone, it is time to get all those freeze sensitive plants in the ground. Cucumber, southern peas, pumpkins, melons and all those other squash-goodness thingies!

This is such a productive time of year! It’s a great time of year for an awesome salad. Spring mixes are THE BEST! Plant some dill to share with the gorgeous swallowtail butterflies and get some milk week (butterfly plants) in the ground.

You can also grow marigolds, sunflowers and so many other pretty flowers that the birds, bees and butterflies will use. Our pollinators are so important! It’s nice to share with them. Make sure your butterfly host plants are un-treated!

Check out our lawn and garden selection: Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or are just learning the ins and outs of planting, fertilizing, and growing your own garden we have you covered for Spring Planting.

Arcola Feed is open Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call or visit us anytime between then. We would be happy to share more gardening tips with you!